
This video is part of the Desire Project, a documentary web-series by Kate Rose.  My interview was about desire in sports. For me, the desire to win and be recognized as one of the best was very real- but was so difficult for me to voice. I felt like I'd be considered silly or conceited. But after getting second place in several races, I finally announced "I am winning this race." Saying it out loud was scary. But the statement focused me. It held me accountable.

The race in question was the North American Cycle Courier Championships, Chicago 2008. I entered my third championship saying I am going to win.  In end, I not only won the women's title- I finished 4th overall, faster than all but 3 male competitors!

Today I'm applying this lesson to other parts of my life. "I am going to record an album" Done: NoWayJosie's Debut EP & As a fitness ambassador for Lululemon, I am required to announce my goals publicly: 1yr/5yr/10yr.  If you're unsure, there are several tools on their website to help you with goalsetting.

Don't be afraid to voice your goals out loud. Be specific. Be clear. Be strong.