
Since arriving in the midwest, I’ve seen Taco Bell’s and Burger Kings for miles upon paved-highway miles.  It really makes me appreciate NYC and the variety it has to offer.

Fast-food is popular for it’s convenience. So for YOUR convenience (& nourishment) here is a list of HEALTHY eat-out spots for NYC has to offer. I know you guys don’t always have time to make the recipes I post, so this week I polled my fitness friends and co-workers on what their favorite healthy eat-out spots were in NYC.

Here is the list. Do go and explore!

Pure Food and Wine (Gramercy) Gusto Organics (E. 13th) Gobo (8th & 6th Ave)

Candle 79 (UES) Candle Cafe (UES)

Alfanoose (Financial)

BROOKLYN: Wild Ginger (Cobble Hill) Ella Cafe (Williamsburg) Bliss (Williamsburg)  *one of my personal faves

EAST VILLAGE: Caravan of Dreams Quintessence Organic Grill Souen **  extremely popular among the fitness geeks Angelica’s Kitchen Lan Cafe

ALL NYC: Lenny’s Juice Generation Energy Kitchen Pita Grill Whole Foods