For the Ladies/For the Dudes...


So you’ve been taking my classes, training hard, eating right, even doing my diet challenges for an extra edge.  Now spring is breaking out and you need to flatter your fit bod!  Allow me to share two of my favorite active wear lines (outside of Lulu ;)

Aaaaand while you have your credit cards out- don’t forget to DONATE TO THE Fit4Humanity CAUSE! Click sponsor a teammate and type my name. Big thanks to sponsors to Laurie, Heather, Irwin and Em!  The goal is $1500- I’m at $175. boooo. get on it, peeps!


OUTLIER : (pictured above) These Brooklynites make the BEST TAILORED MEN’S CYCLING GEAR. Period. You wanna ride to work but don’t wanna ruin your look? Every guy that rides a bike should own a pair.  aaaaand, Outlier now makes ladies pants! They are sleek and suuuuuper comfy.

So Low Activewear: Calling all my shorties! Got a short torso? Always wanna look a little longer and leaner? Well one of my clients recently tuned me on to So Low.  Sweet!  Low-rise workout wear! even comes with neon accents… what more could we want?
