CMWC Recap!


The Cycle Messenger World Championships happen every year in a different city all over the world.  This year: Lausanne, Switzerland.  The race course was a combination of pain-inducing climbs, bone-jarring cobblestone pavement and roundabouts guaranteed to confuse racers from their planned route.

I began my trip in Paris where local messengers hosted a whirlwind weekend of racing an pre-parties. Then began our 3 day (hauling ass) trip to Switzerland.  We got lost.  We slept on the ground. We broke bikes. We bonked. We ate a lot of food. We made it. ....Just in time to race in one of the most challenging CMWC's EVER.     WATCH THE VIDEO.

Shout out's: Jamesy who completed the uphill time trial with his entire life strapped to his back.

Mason for his Guinness World Record 77 backward circles.

Darcey for doing the uphill time trial NAKED with "Vote Melbourne 2015"

Safa Brian- fastest uphill sprinter on a fixed gear.

And all the organizers for making the event so incredible!!! Chistole!

MUSIC :  WANT IT BACK by No Way Josie  (that's bike messenger Fakemoney NYC and ME!)