Nashville NONSTOP!


New video day! As you know, I just completed a cross-country road trip.  Spending hours in the car isn't really a fitness geeks idea of fun. So I planned a workout in every place we stopped.  I got to try out new things, check out trending studios, and spend my driving days sore and satisfied.  Here's the first video from the road featuring... NASHVILLE where I got one to try one of my all-time favorite classes at The Hotbox. So watch the video and follow along the NonStop tour...


Those Poor Serfs

Joseph King "Call Bobby" (catch me dancing in this music video!)

No Way Josie "Freakness" Turnup Remix **FREE DOWNLOAD**

The Hotbox (LOOOOVE THIS PLACE!) A kick-ass hour-long cardio kickboxing workout.

Sunflower Cafe

Nashville Bike Share

The Family Wash: Laundromat-turned dive bar with live music.